Dr Guy Hatchard wrote the following:
"Yesterday I was enjoying a cup of tea with Gary Moller overlooking Wellington Hospital. Over the course of an hour, there were six flights of rescue helicopters presumably ferrying injured or sick people for emergency treatment. Gary tells me the current frequency of these flights is very often at a rate unprecedented over the many years he has lived there. At night we hear the wailing of ambulance sirens."
As I'm writing this, yet another helicopter flew overhead to land on the roof of Wellington Hospital. I've lived here for about 45 years and have never experienced anything like this before this year.
Running a small rehabilitation clinic in Wellington and overlooking Wellington Hospital, we see firsthand the harm done by mass-injecting the population with an experimental drug. Unfortunately, those running this sorry show from the safety of their beehives, bunkers and ivory towers do not have firsthand experience, nor are they interested in looking at the data. The same applies to the Government-funded mainstream media and the so-called "independent media", such as the Platform, whose role is to run interference against any opposition to the Government's narrative.
And it is happening around the world, including our neighbours, Australia:
The recent heated exchange between the Platform's founder, Sean Plunkett, and Steve Kirsch pretty much sums up the blinded and uncaring reluctance of the establishment to review the data, to see the injured and dead in front of them, and to admit they got it wrong. Sean's behaviour, including the use of expletives and his refusal to consider the data, was an embarrassment to journalism of the highest order: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/i-got-on-the-platform-with-sean-plunket
So, where is the data to support my claim the upsurge in wailing ambulances and helicopters is most probably due to vaccine-injured people being rushed to Wellington Hospital?
The evidence follows, and it does not bode well for our future: New Zealand's leaders must declare we are in the midst of a mass casualty event and take emergency action, mustering the nation's resources to prevent further harm and assist the injured!
How much more evidence must there be before they wake up?
React19.org contains a list of 1250 peer-reviewed case reports studying the relationship between Covid-19 vaccines and adverse side effects or death. This document contains only those case studies (240) that show causality or strong association between Covid-19 vaccines and injury or death. Causative or associative language can be found in either the extract, body, discussion or conclusion of the following reports. (Source: https://react19.org/1250-covid-vaccine-reports/)
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CO-V2 mRNA Vaccines
The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein. However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.
+ + +
Autoimmune Disease
A Case Series and Literature Review of the Association of COVID-19 Vaccination with Autoimmune Diseases: Causality or Chance?
Immune mediated events timely associated with COVID-19 vaccine
Bell’s Palsy/Nerve Palsy
Acute Abducens Nerve Palsy following Pfizer
34yoF with Bell’s Palsy 2 Days after Moderna
37yoM with Bell’s Palsy after Pfizer
61yoM with Bell’s Palsy after Each Dose of Pfizer
Rate of Bell’s Palsy following mRNA Vaccination is 2-3x Higher than Expected
Rapid Progression of T-Cell Lymphoma following Pfizer Booster
13 Cases of Cervical Lymphadenopathy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8241354/
Review of 24 Cases of Lymphadenopathy and their Ultrasound Findings in the US https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34356507/
Higher Hypermetabolic Lymphadenopathy Detection on PET/CT and Impact on Oncologic Management https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34503150/
163 Cases of Axillary Adenopathy Following Pfizer https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34257025/
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
Post vaccination lymphadenopathy: report of cytological findings from fine needle aspiration biopsy
Axillary lymphadenopathy after vaccination in a woman with breast cancer
Fine needle aspiration in a vaccine associated lymphadenopathy
Hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy following Pfizer, incidence assessed by FDG PET-CT and revelance to study interpretation, a review of 728 vaccinated patients
An autopsy case report of fulminant myocarditis: Following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
A Rare Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine-Associated Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Treated with Mechanical Thrombectomy
Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronal Arteritis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against Covid-19
Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological Findings https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8524235/
Myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA Vaccination
Unprovoked Submassive Saddle Pulmonary Embolism in an Adult Male After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination
Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021
Autopsy-based Histopathological Characterization of Myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-Vaccination
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-induced Pneumonitis
Eosinophilic Pneumonia Associated to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
Perimyocarditis in Adolescents after Pfizer Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine-induced Myocarditis: Case Report with Literature Review
Fulminant Myocarditis Requiring ECMO in a 60yoF following 2nd dose Pfizer
Pericarditis following mRNA Vaccination
Myocarditis in a 16yo, Late Gadolinium Enhancement
3 Cases of Cardiac Manifestation following Pfizer
Myocarditis with BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine in a Series of Children
Cardiac Arrhythmia after COVID-19 Vaccination versus Non–COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cardiovascular, neurological, and pulmonary events following vaccination with the BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines: An analysis of European data
Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia Leading to Dural Sinus Thrombosis and Intracranial Hemorrhage Requiring Hemicraniectomy: A Case Report and Systematic Review
PE, TIA, and thrombocytopenia after J&J
Superior ophthalmic Vein Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia following AstraZeneca
DVT and PE and positive HIT panel following mRNA Vaccine
3 patients with venous thromboembolism following mRNA vaccination
Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia following Moderna
34yoF with vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia following Moderna
Case report: vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a pancreatic cancer patient after mRNA vaccination
Case study of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia following AstraZeneca
Eltromopag for refractory vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a 64yoF following AstraZeneca vaccination
Acquired TTP following Pfizer
Denovo iTTP episode in a 38yoF following Pfizer
5 cases of prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia after AstraZeneca
Review of 50 cases of thrombocytopenia following Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Moderna
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after AstraZeneca: Autopsy findings
3 cases of adolescents with Pfizer induced TTP
Fatal ICH due to Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia following AstraZeneca
Possible risk of thrombotic events following AstraZeneca in women receiving estrogen
Blood clots and bleeding events following Pfizer and AstraZeneca: an analysis of European data
Venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding after vaccination with AstraZeneca in Denmark and Norway: a population based cohort study
Association of AstraZeneca and Pfizer with major venous, arterial, or thrombocytopenic events: a population based cohort study of 46 million adults in England
Arterial thrombosis following 1st dose AstraZeneca: a case series
Late Onset VITT with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Confusion and abdominal pain due to VITT following vaccination
Avoidance of vaccine for thrombocytopenic patients and/or myelodysplastic patients or vaccinate and keep them under strict controls - Fatal thromboembolism in a patient with preexisting thrombocytopenia following AstraZeneca
Malignant CVA due to VITT following AstraZeneca
Anti-platelet factor 4 IgG levels in VITT: persistent positivity through 7 months
Thrombosis patterns and clinical outcome of VITT: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Second dose VITT: rare but real
Mechanisms of immunothrombosis in VITT compared to natural COVID infection
3 cases of immune thrombocytopenia following AstraZeneca in Thailand
Persisting, unilateral tinnitus after mRNA vaccine https://journals.lww.com/jfmpc/Fulltext/2022/06000/Persisting,_unilateral_tinnitus_22_days_after.175.aspx
3 cases of Tinnitus following mRNA vaccination
COVID-vaccine associated tinnitus: a review of VAERS
Vestibular neuritis in a 54yoM following Pfizer
Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis after 3rd dose Pfizer requiring intubation and tracheostomy
Ulcers of bilateral palate mucosa following Moderna in a 58yoF
5 Cases of Adrenal Crisis following AstraZeneca
Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors
Guillane-Barre Syndrome
Sensory Ataxic GBS with Immunoglobulin G Anti-GM1 Antibodies following Pfizer
Fatal Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome after SARS-CoV-2Vaccination in Patient with Multiple Myeloma
Rituximab-induced Acute Lympholysis and Pancytopenia after Moderna in a 71yoM with b-cell Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma
Successful Venous Thromboprophylaxis in a Patient with AstraZeneca-induced VITT
Coagulopathies after vaccination against SARS-COV-2 may be derived from a combo of spike protein and adenovirus vector-triggered signaling pathways
Arterial Thrombosis in an Unusual Site (ulnar artery) in a 68yoM following 3rd dose of Moderna
Changes in Blood Viscosity after COVID-19 vaccination
Coagulopathies after vaccination against SARS-COV-2 may be derived from a combo of spike protein and adenovirus vector-triggered signaling pathways
Vaccine induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: venous endotheliopathy leading to venous combined micro-macrothrombosis
The roles of platelets in COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia
Safety warning for AstraZeneca in patients with sickle cell disease
Acquired Hemophilia A following COVID-19 Vaccination—The Importance of Prompt
Diagnosis: A Case Report
2 Cases of Löfgren’s Syndrome following AstraZeneca and Moderna Vaccination
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Temporally following Moderna in a 28yoF
New-onset Polymyalgia Rheumatica in a 80yoF following Pfizer
50yoM with HSP including IgA Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis on Skin Biopsy following Pfizer
Rash, Arthritis, Swelling, Muscle weakness following AstraZeneca
Polyarthralgia and Myalgia Syndrome after AstraZeneca
Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema following Pfizer
Pheochromocytoma Crisis following J&J vaccination
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy after AstraZeneca vaccination:
New onset Evans Syndrome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus after Pfizer vaccination
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) in a 14yoF requiring VA ECMO
3 cases of HLH following AstraZeneca
Multiple Sclerosis
New onset MS in a 32yoF patient following Pfizer
Multisystem Inflammation
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome after Covid 19 Vaccination
Beware of the ambiguous enemy of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adult (MIS‐A) following Covid‐19 infection or vaccination
Autoantibody Release in Children after Corona Virus mRNA Vaccination: A Risk Factor of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome?
Multisystem Inflammatory-like Syndrome in a Child Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Postvaccination Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Adult with No Evidence of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Multi inflammatory syndrome in a 16-year-old male following first dose of m-RNA COVID-19 vaccination
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in an adult following Pfizer (MIS-V)
MIS in 2 adults with short interval between COVID-19 infection and subsequent vaccination
Two cases of MIS-V: 15yoF and 17yoF
MIS resulting in reversible autoimmune cardiomyopathy in a 25yoM following 3rd dose of COVID vaccination
MIS-V with erythema multiforme-like rash in a 62yoM following Pfizer
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in an adult following Pfizer (MIS-V)
MIS-V in a 22yoF following Pfizer
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a 12yo male following Pfizerhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34978781/
Multisystem inflammatory Syndrome in a 12 year old boy after Pfizer
MIS in a 12yoM following Pfizer
Myasthenia Gravis
Fatal Myasthenic Crisis in a 55yoM following AstraZeneca
New onset Myasthenia Gravis in 82yoM following Pfizer
Nervous System
1 case HSV Meningitis following Pfizer
Neuromyelitis Optic in a Healthy Female following Moderna
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD)
Optic Neuropathy after Pfizer and Astrazeneca: a report of 2 cases
Bilateral Optic Neuritis after AstraZeneca
Cardiovascular, neurological, and pulmonary events following vaccination with the BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines: An analysis of European data
Rhabdomyolysis after Moderna
New Onset Mainly Guttate Psoriasis after Pfizer
Pustuluar Psoriasis following AstraZeneca
Parkinson’s Disease
COVID-19 Vaccine Associated Parkinson's Disease, A Prion Disease Signal in the UK Yellow Card Adverse Event Database
First Episode Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: a Case Report https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36170703/
Retinal/Ocular Events
Retinal Vascular Events after mRNA Vaccination
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Combined Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion after mRNA Vaccination
Acute Retinal Necrosis after mRNA Vaccination
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion after mRNA Vaccination
Corneal graft rejection after Vaccination
7 Cases of Corneal Graft Rejection after Vaccination
Corneal Graft Rejection Associated with mRNA Vaccines
Corneal Graft Rejection after mRNA Vaccination
Corneal Transplant and DMEK Rejection after mRNA Vaccination
Corneal Rejection may Occur Soon after either Dose of mRNA Vaccine
Patient Diagnosed with Acute Corneal Rejection Due to mRNA Vaccination
Large Series of Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion following COVID-a9 Vaccination
Possible Sight-threatening Ocular Thrombotic Conditions after COVID-19 Vaccination
Retinal Veinous Occlusion Increase Post mRNA Vaccination in the Past Year
Retinal Detachment in a Healthy Young Woman after COVID-19 Vaccination
Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy following COVID-19 Vaccination
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy following Pfizer (38yoM military physician)
Serous Chorioretinopathy
Acute Central Serous Retinopathy
Bilateral Panuveitis Mimicking Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease
42 Cases of Uveitis and Other Ocular Complications
Reduction of Visual Acuity
Booster Shots Adversely Affect Immune Response
2 Cases Herpes Zoster Ophthalmic following Pfizer
Persistent Varicella Zoster Virus Infection following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination was Associated with the Presence of Encoded Spike Protein in the Lesion
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in 2 Women after Pfizer–BioNTech (BNT162b2) Vaccine
2 cases (80yoF, 69yoF) of Herpes Ophthalmicus following Pfizer
10 Cases of Herpes Zoster following Covid Vaccination
2 cases of herpes zoster in healthy young adults following vaccination
52 Cases Varicella Zoster Reactivation and mRNA Vaccines as a Trigger
A Case of varicella-zoster Virus after Pfizer with No Pre-existing Conditions
Skin Infections
CMV and Pericarditis in Temporal Association with mRNA Vaccines
1 case HSV Meningitis following Pfizer
Erythema Nodosum
Alopecia Areata
Cutaneous and allergic reactions
Sweet Syndrome with Vasculitis
Sweet Syndrome following SARS CO-V2 Vaccination
Pemphigus vulgaris after COVID-19 vaccination: one new onset and two cases with severe
Spontaneous urticaria after Pfizer vaccine
Pityriasis-rosea like eruption post-vaccination in a young male
35yoM with Pityriasis rosea-like eruption after Pfizer
66yoM with Pityriasis rosea after Pfizer
Pityriasis rubra pilaris following Astra Zeneca
Lichenoid drug eruption following Pfizer
3 cases of new onset acral hand lesions following mRNA vaccine
Patients with eczematous cutaneous reactions following Pfizer
Exacerbation of Hailey-Hailey Disease following mRNA Vaccination
Onset lichen planus following Pfizer
46yoM with lichen planus eruption following AstraZeneca: a case report and review of
Purpura annularis telangiectodes following Pfizer
Flagellate Purpura following AstraZeneca
Symmetrical drug related intertriginous and flexural exanthema like eruption following
Palms and Soles Itchiness following Pfizer
Morphea (70yoF) after AstraZeneca and a second patient after COVID-19Infection
Acral hemorrhage after second dose of vaccination
Facial Pustular Neutrophilic Eruption following mRNA Vaccine
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by Moderna
A flare up of pre-existing erythema multiforme following Pfizer:
Atypical erythema multiforme related to Pfizer vaccine
Clinical and histopathological spectrum of delayed adverse cutaneous reactions following COVID-19 vaccination
Bullous pemphigoid triggered by covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer): rapid resolution with corticosteroid therapy
Bullous Fixed Drug Eruption following AstraZeneca
Bullous eruption following Pfizer
Bullous Drug Eruption Rash following Moderna
Bullous pemphigoid associated with covid-19 vaccines: an Italian multicentre study
Bullous Drug Eruption Rash following Moderna
Bullous eruption following Pfizer
Bullous Fixed Drug Eruption following AstraZeneca
Bullous pemphigoid triggered by covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer): rapid resolution with corticosteroid therapy
Atypical erythema multiforme related to Pfizer vaccine
A flare up of pre-existing erythema multiforme following Pfizer
Soft Tissue Filler Inflammatory Reaction after vaccination
Clinical and pathologic correlation of cutaneous covid-19 vaccine reactions including V-REPP: a registry-based study
New onset leukocytoclastic vasculitis following COVID-19 vaccination
Cutaneous adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines: a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of 867 patients
Soft Tissue Filler Inflammatory Reaction after vaccination
Breast Implant seroma after mRNA vaccine
Breast Implant Capsular Contracture following Moderna vaccination
2 cases of Vitiligo triggered by COVID-19 vaccination
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin scar erythema in a 14yoF post Pfizer vaccination
Generalized papulovesicular eruption as a side effect of Pfizer vaccine
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after Pfizer
Cutaneous vasculitis following AstraZeneca
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after exposure to AstraZeneca vaccine
Sweet-like syndrome and multiple covid-arm syndrome following covid-19 vaccine: specific patterns in a series of 192 patients
Possible case of mRNA vaccine induced small vessel vasculitis
Cutaneous lymphocytic vasculitis following mRNA vaccine
Relapse of microscopic polyangiitis after Pfizer vaccination: a case report
2 cases of skin color discoloration following mRNA vaccination
Moderna Vaccine Induced Skin Rash
Hi Garry , is that all established information [ with clinical backup ] you can find LOL ???
a fraction of the above should be enough for those that think to see the obvious , [ THOSE WHO DONT WANT TO SEE ?? WOULD NEVER SEE ] AND YET THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN PAID , BY THE PEOPLE and the drug companies , still hungry for the money versus the doctors, nurses , reporters etc who have lost their jobs/ livelihoods , because they weren't prepared to sell their consciousness.
Keep up the GOOD work , Cheers Roger