Please take a few minutes to read this article by Dr Guy Hatchard: https://globe.global/how-can-we-wake-up-the-comatose-political-process/
Summary of Dr Hatchard's Article:
Dr. Hatchard's concerns revolve around COVID-19 vaccines, specifically the mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna. He discusses a study that suggests a potential problem with these vaccines.
The study shows that when people get repeated shots of these vaccines, their immune system might not respond as well to the virus. It's a bit like your body learning to ignore the COVID virus, which could increase the risk of getting infected again, even if you're fully vaccinated.
Now, the study also talks about using certain drugs to try and fix this problem. But here's the catch – these drugs have some pretty serious side effects. They can cause issues like heart problems, severe headaches, and even increase the risk of certain infections and cancers.
Dr. Hatchard is rightly concerned about this because it seems that these vaccines may not be providing strong protection against COVID, and they might have some harmful effects. He's calling for a reevaluation of our pandemic policies and wants experts from different fields to come together and discuss these issues openly.
In New Zealand, it's important for policymakers and experts to consider these findings and have a serious conversation about whether our current approach to COVID vaccination is the best way to keep people safe.
Real-World Impact:
In my clinic, I've been noticing a concerning trend. More and more people are coming in with health problems that could be related to the issues Dr. Hatchard is talking about. These health issues include heart problems, neurological conditions, and other problems that might be linked to the way our immune systems are responding to COVID-19 vaccines.
The Urgent Need for Dialogue
It's becoming clear that there's a need to take these concerns seriously, especially when we see patients experiencing these health problems. It's not just a theoretical issue; it's affecting real people's lives and well-being. That's why it's crucial for us to have a thorough discussion about the safety and effectiveness of the current COVID vaccination strategy, especially here in New Zealand. So, what about the Commission of inquiry into the country's COVID response - won't this be the best avenue for dialogue?
The Limited Scope of the Commission of Inquiry
While New Zealand has taken the commendable step of establishing a Commission of Inquiry into the country's COVID-19 response, it is essential to recognise that this inquiry has inherent limitations, which you can read about here.
I have little confidence that it will adequately investigate or address the harm done, nor that it will it prevent similar health fiascos in the future. In actuality, it may be more of a whitewash than anything. The Commission primarily focuses on the broader COVID-19 response and may not adequately address specific concerns related to vaccine harm, which I understand, is excluded from it's terms of reference. This limitation is a crucial point of concern, given the gravity of the potential health issues associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
The concerns raised by Dr. Guy Hatchard, as well as the real-world impact observed in clinics, by numerous health professionals highlight the need for a dedicated and comprehensive examination of the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including the harm done and how we are caring for the injured. The Commission of Inquiry, while valuable in its own right, may not delve deeply enough into the intricacies of vaccine-related issues.

This raises a pertinent question: Are the growing concerns of serious vaccine harm likely to be adequately addressed within the existing framework of the Commission? I think not. The existing scope of the inquiry might not provide a thorough exploration of these concerns, and which could have far-reaching implications for public health and well-being.
So, as we navigate the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, it becomes even more crucial to consider supplementing the Commission's work with a specific and dedicated examination of vaccine-related matters. Such an approach could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the risks and benefits associated with COVID-19 vaccines, our response to future pandemics and a better understanding of the safety and effectiveness of this gene-altering technology (mRNA vaccines), ultimately leading to more informed and effective public health policies.
My name is Bruce Thomson, (I’m logged in but for some reason your system won’t attach my name to this comment).
Wake up references pertinent to your article:
A parallel review from the UK
A video speach from Barbara Loe Fisher of National Vaccine Information Centre (she’s been in that role for 40 years and is a patient and tireless campaigner ).
Thank you
I think it is telling that Switzerland is one country that has reacted quite quickly on these vaccines not being what they should be, and they have a unique system of democracy with probably the most immediate accountability for elected representatives, and very "bottom up" and localized in terms of electing representatives and holding them accountable. There are rapid "recall' mechanisms and provisions for binding referendums that are easy to trigger. Amy Brooke is the NZ expert on this.