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  • Writer's pictureGary Moller

What can I do to Support my Vaccine Jab?

Updated: Mar 14

Important: I am not anti-vax, I am for exercising caution and safety. Vaccines, like antibiotics, are marvels of medical technology, but as with all medicines, these must be used responsibly, sparingly, safely and not abused, such as for-profit first and safety last.



I've had many inquiries lately by people asking what they can take and do to reduce the risks of an adverse event and ensure a healthy and lasting response to vaccination. What I am writing about here applies to all vaccines and people of all ages, gender and states of health.


Dr Ronald Hoffman wrote:

"There's plenty of evidence that a significant number of Americans—regardless of age—are nutritionally deficient. Surveys reveal that high double digits of the US population have insufficient critical nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, selenium, and magnesium, to name but a few.

Several of these nutrients are now undergoing intensive investigation to see if they could curb the severity of COVID-19 infections.

But whether they "boost" vaccines is different."


In a nutshell, there is nothing that will "boost" a vaccine, but there is a lot you can do to ensure getting jabbed is safer and more effective than it might otherwise be. Adverse events vary from one vaccine to another and even from one jab of the same vaccine to another. Whether or not you suffer an adverse reaction to a vaccine is a random lottery with odds that vary almost from one day to the next, depending on your state of health. While it may be remote, a bad reaction to a vaccine is one lottery you never want to win. So, I'm, outlining what you can do to lower your chances further, so you never win the Vaccine Adverse Reactions Lottery!

Please read this article then come back to this one:

Lifestyle and Nutritional Measures


  • Go to bed at the same time every evening, wake at the same time every day and plan to get 6-8 hours of sleep.

  • Start every day with some exercise outdoors, such as a brisk 10-15 minute walk.

  • Take a catnap/siesta during the day to restore your batteries.


  • Prepare meals from fresh produce, preferably organic.

  • Have plenty of vegetables, berries, and spices brightly coloured with the red, orange, yellow, and green spectrums of light.

  • Eat red meat, fish, shellfish and, ideally, liver once a week.

  • Have fresh fats and oils from various fish, animal and vegetable sources while avoiding grain-based and heat-processed oil.

  • Go very low on carbs/sugars during the day (you may have some as part of your evening meal).

  • Avoid snacking.

  • Fast regularly. Fasting is easy to do: delay eating in the morning until you feel hungry, plus an extra hour. Make your first meal lunchtime.

Lifestyle and Stress Management

  • Have a sauna once a week:

  • Get outdoors and exercise daily. It is best for exercise to be invigorating rather than exhausting - gardening, for example.

  • Identify all stressors in your life and either eliminate the unpleasant ones or take measures to neutralise or minimise their impact on you.

  • Take a break, such as a holiday, but the best one is on a desert island and not an overseas shopping expedition!

  • Meditate, listen to relaxing music. Close your eyes and chill out!

Manage Medications and Health Issues better

  • Review all medications with your doctor, now and every six months. Ask your doctor questions such as, "Do I really have to be taking all of these?""Do I absolutely have to be taking this?" Can I take less?" "what would happen if I stopped - will I get sicker? Will I die?"

  • If you have specific health issues such as diabetes, manage it better: you can always do better!

  • Look at "bad habits" such as smoking or drinking too much alcohol and deal with them once and for all time, rather than dabble and procrastinate.

  • If you are carrying too much fat start losing it.

  • Contact me if you need assistance with better managing any health issues.


Supplements are fabulous, they improve health, but they are not a substitute for a lousy diet and life spent in the fast lane without taking a break. The following list of supplements has good evidence that there are benefits for immune health and health in general. There are many more, but these are the basics. I am not giving the dosages or specific products in this article. Please talk to me about how much to take since requirements vary from one person to another. I can make up a package for you and your family if you need assistance.

  • Vitamin D.

  • Vitamin C.

  • Zinc.

  • Selenium and other nutritional elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, etc.).

  • All of the fat-soluble vitamins.

  • All of the B vitamins.

  • NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) (I'll be writing about this in another article soon).

  • Antioxidants such as astaxanthin, resveratrol and quercetin.

Prophylactics (medicines that help ward off disease)

You may have heard of medications such as Ivermectin, HCQ and Zovirax. I will not talk about these in this article and certainly not advise whether you can or should take prophylactic medication. Your doctor is the one to give this advice. However, I am planning an article about prophylactics for COVID-19 in another paper. Keep an eye out for it.

When not to have the jab

Adverse reactions to vaccines do happen and they appear to be random, but not as random as one might think. In addition to ensuring you are invested in your good health, there is also the matter of timing. For example, there is some evidence that a woman is more resistant to bacterial infections during menstruation while being slightly more vulnerable to viruses. The opposite is the case once her menses has finished. Many women are aware of these patterns. This being the case, it might be better to have a vaccine for a bacterial infection during menses and a virus vaccine once it has finished.

I'm listing some of the more obvious times to avoid vaccination. The idea is to time the jabs when your immune system is ready and willing and not stressed, distracted and depleted.

  • When Baby is transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle and/or solids.

  • When Baby is teething.

  • Within three months of an earlier vaccine.

  • When undergoing a growth spurt.

  • During hormonal upheaval such as puberty.

  • When suffering or still recovering from an infection such as a sore throat.

  • When under stress that is getting you down.

  • When exercising to exhaustion (more about this in another article soon).

  • When recovering from a significant injury (tissue damage).

  • If you have toxic burdens such as mercury, cadmium, lead or organic toxins such as in pesticides and herbicides.

Deal with these, or minimise their impact, then think about having the jab.

Concluding Remarks

About 30% of New Zealanders are optimally healthy. But, unfortunately, the rest of us are not very healthy, with the bottom 10% at an unacceptable risk of suffering serious harm from infections such as COVID-19. They are also at risk of adverse reactions to vaccines and having a weak immune response that does not last very long.

By default, a healthy person has a healthy immune system. There are many lifestyle and nutritional measures that improve health. Most of these measures are easy to incorporate into one's life, and they are affordable for the intelligent person.

As an aside, there are reports of healthy, athletic men and women, mostly men, who have suffered terrible consequences after catching COVID-19 or reacting badly to the vaccine. There is an explanation. I am writing about this soon.

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Paul Scott
Paul Scott
Aug 30, 2021

There is another way to reduce risk. Don't take the injection at all. Recognise that the injections introduce the production of the live disease itself [ Sars Spike protein ] in the hope that you will produce effective resistance. It doesn't work properly, and introduces injury and death in too many cases. . If you catch the live virus you will probably be crook for a few days and then fine in almost all cases. Or you might not even know you have been "infected'.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Aug 30, 2021
Replying to

Agreed, Paul, and if a person invests actively in their health they may catch the virus and not even know they had it or certainly not be putting their life at risk from it. The problem, tough, looming like a huge train coming at us is the mandating of this and many other vaccines. What is happening now is only the beginning! If you want to live anything like a normal life you will be required to take this and many more jabs, so prepare! What I mean, is if you want to go into a shop, your workplace, a school, hospital, take a taxi and so on, you will have to display evidence that all of your vaccines are…


Philip Hayward
Aug 30, 2021

Absolutely! McCullough et al are an important resource for "early treatments of Covid" but what is not so often noticed about their important first paper, is their very first-line recommendation, up there with neutraceuticals. They say:

Reduction of Self-Reinoculation

It is well-recognized that COVID-19 exists outside the human body in a bioaerosol of airborne particles and droplets. Because exhaled air in an infected person is considered to be “loaded” with inoculum, each exhalation and inhalation is effectively reinoculation.

In patients who are hospitalized, negative pressure is applied to the room air largely to reduce spread outside of the room. We propose that fresh air could reduce reinoculation and potentially reduce the severity of illness and possibly reduce household spread durin…


Philip Hayward
Aug 29, 2021

"....there are reports of healthy, athletic men and women, mostly men, who have suffered terrible consequences after catching COVID-19..."

Fitness fanatics can run themselves down in hidden metrics and have no idea how close to dead they are in reality. Been there, done that, as Gary knows. I am sure that is what Gary will explain in his later posting.

But I also say it is another evidence of Covid impact relating to exposure to built-up aerosols in the air, the "dose" of these is what determines severity of infection. We have made a mistake in assuming that rest home residents die at a disproportionate rate "because they are frail", when the dangerousness of the environment in which they live,…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Aug 30, 2021
Replying to

Excellent stuff, Philip! I wonder, as well, if you can comment, if wearing a mask, when not needed, might be contributing to pathogen loading by reducing expellation while increasing re-inhalation?

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