Stand for Truth or Face the Reckoning
An open letter to Health Professionals
To my fellow doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, administrators, and every health professional across New Zealand: this is your wake-up call. For too long, I have hesitated to write this letter for fear of accusations of coming across as being "holier than thou", but here we go.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed a fracture in our professions — a chasm between those who clung to the Hippocratic Oath and those who bent the knee to a false narrative that betrayed science, patient rights, and common sense. You had a choice then, and you have one now. Time's running out to pick the right side.

Let's rewind. If you had stood up from the outset — collectively, courageously — the pandemic response would have looked radically different. We would not have seen off-the-shelf preventions like fresh air, sunshine, and good nutrition dumped on, ridiculed, or outright suppressed. Bureaucrats — would not have sidelined early treatments — cheap, proven, accessible, and silenced by fear. Instead, we got an experimental mRNA drug, trumpeted as "safe and effective," that turned out to be neither. Meanwhile, they trashed the concepts of natural and herd immunity. It raked in billions for Big Pharma and its lackeys while leaving a trail of harm we are only beginning to reckon with. Where were you when this farce unfolded?
The virus itself? No pangolin or bat soup fairytale, as some of us suspected all along. Even the CIA now backs what many whispered: it leaked from a gain-of-function lab in Wuhan. It is a Frankenstein monster born of reckless science. And now, New Zealand's being groomed as the world's next gain-of-function hub — a "safe haven" alternative to China and Ukraine (Gary Moller, "Are We Being Set Up as the World's Genetic Engineering Biolab?"). This is not blowing over — it is escalating. Like a schoolyard bully, they got away with it once, and now they are back for more, motivated by greed and hubris. They will keep going until there is nothing left to take, leaving behind heartbreak and destruction.
Take the latest: bird flu has hit our shores, and the response is the same old playbook — cull, control, profit (Gary Moller, "Bird Flu - Let the Great Culling Begin"). Eighty thousand chickens are gone. We are being groomed — softened up. Actually, the whole of humanity are:
New Zealand, as we know it will be gone if it spreads, including to our dairy and beef herds. To avoid starvation, we will be eating bugs. No kidding — read for yourself: https://www.weforum.org/stories/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/
Natural resilience? Tossed aside for vaccines and mass slaughter, locking us deeper into Big Pharma's grip. And then there is the Gene Therapies Bill — unleashing unchecked genetic engineering with no red lines, flirting with existential risks for New Zealand. If we let this country become the world's GE Biolab, we are not just risking our farms and flocks — we are gambling with our sovereignty, our health, our very future. Are you okay with that? Because I am not.
You have had years to sift through the evidence — data screaming that we got it wrong.
Studies linking Pfizer's jab to pregnancy risks and a huge laundry list of medical conditions (Gary Moller, "Study Highlights Alarming Risks"; "Medical Conditions Linked to Pfizer's Vaccine"). Reports of mRNA shots shredding health and vitality (Gary Moller, "Evidence of the Shocking Impact"). Revelations that thousands of Ministry of Health workers snagged vaccine exemptions while the rest of us were coerced (Gary Moller, "Revealing the Truth"). Misdiagnoses and mistreatment piled on top (Gary Moller, "Misdiagnosis of Female Heart, Stroke, and Tremors"). The proof is there, undeniable, yet too many of you remain silent.
So where were you when a handful of brave health professionals stood up and took the heat — including NZDSOS and a few other defiant souls — faced the fire?
They were smeared, sacked, and now, in the case of NZDSOS, they battle $100,000 in legal costs to silence the truth (NZDSOS, "They Are Trying to Silence Us").
You watched the "medical mafia" tighten its grip, colluding with Big Pharma and a spineless government (Gary Moller, "Introducing the Medical Mafia"). Did you think it would just fade away? It will not. They are coming harder now, and your cowardice and inaction fuel them.

Picture this: years from now, your grandchild perched on your knee, eyes wide, asking, “Grandad, what did you do during the Great Genocide of the 2020s?” And you, squirming, mumble, “Well, when I wasn’t cowering behind the couch, I was busy snitching on my mates and neighbours.” Is that the legacy you want? Because that’s what your silence—or your apathy—bought.
Here is the hard truth: if you are still in denial — or worse, in bed with evildoers — you are on borrowed time. Justice is coming. The full weight of the law will crash down on those who have betrayed their patients, their oaths, and their duty to science. But it is not too late. You can still turn this around. Admit you were wrong. Dedicate yourself to putting things right — starting now. Advocate for real health: nutrition, exercise, fresh air, and treatments that work, not experimental gambles that line corporate pockets. Stand with us to protect patient rights and informed consent, not just parrot the Ministry's script.
“Grandad, what did you do during the Great Genocide of the 2020s?” And you, squirming, mumble, “Well, when I wasn’t cowering behind the couch, I was busy snitching on my mates and neighbours.”

You are not powerless. You are health professionals — custodians of trust, healers of a nation that is hurting. If you had rallied at the start, we could have stopped the madness before it spiralled. You did not. But you can now, but time is about to run out for you. Step up — publicly, boldly — and fight this bully before it takes everything. Back those who have paid the price for truth, challenge the Gene Therapies Bill, and help us rebuild a system that honours science over propaganda, people over profit. Time's ticking — stand up and be counted, or brace yourself for the reckoning you deserve.
It is time to reclaim your profession, your integrity, and your country. Your patients are waiting.