Nurse Dee wrote:
"Both shifts worked, I was confronted with the same story. Immediately following birth, a baby was "coded" (cardiac arrest), transferred to the NICU, and placed on ventilation. Two in a row is no coincidence or accident."
Writing anonymously, she refers to the following medical journal letter, and reports, which I've summarised here:
The authors respond to the systematic review by Rimmer et al. (2023) which concluded "There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage", and noted that their manuscript (Thorp et al., 2022), which reported significant harms to pregnant women and infants, was omitted.
Thorp and colleagues carried out a population-based retrospective cohort study to investigate the frequency of adverse events (AEs) among women of reproductive age after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The study specifically looked at outcomes related to pregnancy and menstruation. Information was obtained from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database, covering the period from 1st January, 1998, to June 30th, 2022.
The findings revealed a noteworthy increase in adverse events reported after COVID-19 vaccinations compared to influenza vaccines. These included menstrual abnormalities, miscarriages, foetal chromosomal abnormalities, foetal malformations, and various other complications related to pregnancy and foetal health. When normalised by time, doses administered, or number of individuals vaccinated, the adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines consistently exceeded safety thresholds.
For instance, the study demonstrated that the risk of miscarriage following COVID-19 vaccination was 177 times higher compared to influenza vaccination. The authors strongly believe that incorporating these findings into Rimmer's review would address an oversight and underscore the substantial harm associated with COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy. This, they argue, should prompt a global moratorium on the use of these vaccines in pregnant women.
Here's the report:
Increased risk of fetal loss after COVID-19 vaccination
James A Thorp, Claire Rogers, Michael P Deskevich, Stewart Tankersley, Albert Benavides, Megan D Redshaw, Peter A McCullough
Human Reproduction, Volume 38, Issue 12, December 2023, Page 2536, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dead204
Is this review by Rimmer and colleagues, being referred to by Thorp and colleagues, not an example of cherry-picking of the research of the worst kind? By "selective omission", are they not concealing the deaths of unborn and newborn babies, caused by governments compelling an experimental medical procedure upon pregnant women?
It's important to note that New Zealand's doctors and other experts who questioned the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations have been subjected to public ridicule, professional ostracism, and financial ruin. Here's a few examples that I've reported on:
So, why is there no apology to these well-informed and honest health professionals, reinstatement to their former roles, or compensation for their losses? I doubt they're not expecting anything in a long while, if ever.
The Medical Mafia is alive and thriving in New Zealand. These brave and honest doctors, allied health professionals, and scientists have been abandoned by their colleagues:
And they're protecting their own while harming those they're meant to serve and protect: https://www.garymoller.com/post/revealing-the-truth-thousands-of-moh-workers-granted-covid-vaccine-exemptions
So, it's easy to understand why there'll be no stop to these "vaccinations", including for pregnant women, and all women of child-bearing age, for that matter. Nothing is going to change because those in charge of our politics and health system are willfully blind, ignoring their mistakes, and their role in committing what'll become known as the greatest crime ever committed in the history of humanity.
Our new Minister of Health, Shane Reti, is strongly pro-COVID jabs and blinkered to the obvious: These experimental jabs clearly don't work and they harm people, including the unborn!
Read the article linked below. Dr Reti uses the word "believe" a lot. Belief has no place in science and medicine. In addition, he erroneously conflates the safety and effectiveness of one or two vaccines to mean that all vaccines are safe and effective, including those that are still experimental:
Evidence must dominate the narrative — not blind belief! Shane Reti: you're the Top Doc — not a cult guru. Get with the science, man!
Other than a handful of NZ First MPs, the sad reality is we have no friends within Parliament. But truth will ultimately prevail. We've got less than three years to get positioned where we choose a Minister of Health who follows the science and not the cult narrative.