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Protect our Women and Girls

Writer: Gary MollerGary Moller

Updated: Apr 5, 2024


Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 28, 2023

Ken, sent me the following to post on his behalf. We need more men like him.


Hi Gary,

Spot on regarding women's sport and transgender participation. Sport New Zealand portray themselves as the guardians of sport in our country and yet their transgender policy is little more than an assault on sport itself. I'd urge readers to join Save Women's Sport Save Women's Sport | Home ( I'm writing about this at Earlier in the year my initial article was at Breaking Views: Ken Maclaren: Sport New Zealand’s Transgender Policy - Inclusion Over Fairness and Safety ( Like you I've had a lifetime in sport (it's more than 50 years ago that my Dad persuaded me to go for a…


Mar 28, 2023

OMG! you're Lorraine Moller's brother!! lol Am I the only person to not know this?

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 28, 2023
Replying to

Time passes and a new generation comes along, Tracy. Lorraine is in the country right now. It is interesting times. Men need to stand up and be counted, especially after what has been revealed about how our leaders view CIS men, plus their failure to protect women from violence. My older sister was at Albert Park and it is clear Posie came close to being lynched by the baying mob. The police stood back and only intervened after her minders had made their way through the melee.


Unknown member
Mar 27, 2023

Thank you Gary for being the strong masculine and sharing your well informed and intelligent views in these continued crazy, upside down times. May it inspire more real men to stand up and say what desperately needs saying. As a Mother and ex Elite Athlete your words are not only reassuring, but just common sense.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 28, 2023
Replying to

I appreciate your comments and support. It is so encouraging to know I'm far from alone.


Mar 27, 2023

Sigh... I am very disappointed in your narrow minded and ill informed view of transgender women Gary. Have a listen to some old recordings of Georgina Beyer some time and enlighten yourself. She fought for the right for transgender women to be able to live their lives authentically and in peace. Where is the evidence that transgender women are intimidating or assaulting women when using a public toilet or changing room? It is scaremongering nonsense. I wish you would stick to what you do best Gary. I have enjoyed your articles on improving nutrition and performance. They have been derailed by your pedalling of conspiracy theories and this latest blog sees me unsubscribing.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 28, 2023
Replying to

Tracy, thank you for your comments.

After listening to my sister who was at Albert Park last Saturday and realising just how vicious and out or control many of those people were, and how unsafe she felt my views on this matter of encroachment on women's spaces has hardened.


Paul Charlett
Paul Charlett
Mar 27, 2023

Spot on Gary. Men need to start speaking up more for Womans Rights that are being slowly being erroded. Only biological women at birth should compete against each other & again only biological women should use

the womens toilets & changing rooms.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 27, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for saying this, Paul.

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