Paul suffered a horrific head injury in 1994 that he was very lucky to survive. He survived the accident, the hospitalisation and the coma but, as he said, "the obliterated post-holocaust world of death and anarchy I was cast into made this seem a picnic. My survival depended on a seemingly unending struggle to defeat every seemingly impossible obstacle".
My daughter, Myra, living in Hobart, Tasmania at the time, introduced Paul to me. I have been assisting him in a small way with his ongoing recovery. Paul's recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. He even wrote a book about his journey, "My life as a fish", which I have recommended as an inspirational read for anyone who is living with a brain injury (Paul still has a few copies left).
What has blown me away is his creativity and attention to detail as a furniture maker. His work is gob-smackingly beautiful!

The Dining chairs are called Lip Service chairs as the diner sits on the lip of a breaking wave!

Looks like the shark‘s heading directly to the crotch of whoever seated at the other end!

Yes, it moves!
To see more of Pauls work:
(Written with Paul's consent)