Did you know NZ is the world's most enthusiastic supporter of efforts to jab every man, woman, child and baby on the planet with a dodgy vaccine? We are the first donor to pledge US $9 million of funding as part of the new Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment fundraising round.
What's going on? Did you know they are doing this with your money? Our Government is on a wild spending spree, spending money it does not have. It took me a long time before I was even remotely prepared to comprehend any of this.
In case you don't already know, the Mother of our Nation's dearest friend is Klaus Schwab. Klaus is the self-appointed head of the World Economic Forum, an organisation instructing the NZ government on how to run our country as a totalitarian state. Klaus is an interesting character. But, tempted as I was to elaborate on Klaus's extracurricular activities, I deferred being on the side of good taste!
I'm using a little dark humour here, but we are in deep trouble as a democracy. Unless we act quickly to pull the plug on what we are now deeply immersed in, as it threatens our very existence.
Our beautiful country is falling into deliberate ruin
Our hospitals are in disrepair and understaffed: Did you know that 45% of psychiatrists are thinking of quitting because of the pressure they are under, and an unknown number of health professionals, including doctors and specialists, have lost their jobs due to the pandemic? None of these is the direct consequence of the virus. Instead, they are the consequence of Government policies in response to the virus: a BIG difference!
Rotorua is no longer Rotovegas: tourism has gone. Rotovegas is now the emergency housing capital of New Zealand. An estimated 90% of its hotels and motels are now MIQ facilities or emergency housing. Look closely in any town in NZ, and you see an unprecedented number of motels are now emergency housing.
The Government is spending at least $62 billion on its pandemic response, mainly to prop up businesses as they slowly have their wrists slit. Yes, some experts estimate that up to 30,000 small to medium-sized businesses will fail over the next year or two due to the Traffic Light System. When you think about it, this is $62 billion of wasted dollars, most borrowed and money that our children and grandchildren must repay. I guess this is somewhat selfish of us.
$62 billion is a lot of borrowed money for just five million people. It is money we don't have sitting around under the mattress doing nothing. Furthermore, we have no idea what the pandemic has cost non-government sectors, but it probably dwarfs $62 billion. The cost is beyond my abilities for calculation and imagination. We cannot place a figure on the harm done to the easy-going Kiwi lifestyle, our people's psyche, especially our children, nor can we estimate the cost of lost opportunities. But let's stick with $62 billion. It is a nice, round figure.
As NZ burns, our Government dabbles while rushing down the pathway of societal and financial ruin. While NZ spent a year in splendid COVID-free isolation, did the Government invest in preparing for the inevitable arrival of the virus on our shores? Not really, but they did sign a secretive deal with Pfizer to spend a suspected billion dollars a year for the next several years on a vaccine and endless boosters that do not work all that well! It is looking like the vaccine is killing as many as 100 healthy people to save just one unhealthy person!
Even if there was a safe and effective vaccine, this is not the be-all and end-all solution for a pandemic. We had a year to prepare and what we got was a big fat zero! In addition, the scientist and doctors who dared to question the official strategy and suggest additional health measures were publicly tarred and feathered.
What else could we have done with $62 billion?
We could have
Started another 20-40 infrastructure projects, equivalent in scale with Transmission Gulley.
Also, re-established a proper state housing programme to replace the current sham of one and to deal with the sky-rocketing homelessness.
Refurbished and rebuilt our existing hospitals.
Built new hospitals for every main provincial centre.
Doubled the number of student doctors and nurses.
Quadrupled the number of dental therapists in schools.
Given every man, woman and child a daily multivitamin - the "Kiwi Pill".
Taken taxes off fresh produce (while taxing junk food and sugar).
Provided free nutritious, whole foods meals in every low decile school for every child.
Run a "Let's get New Zealand Moving!" fitness campaign.
We could have done a lot better. But, hey, it is never too late! So come on, New Zealand: Let's get moving!
If there is one thing we can agree with Klaus and his mates it is this: It is time for a change; it is time for action; it is time for New Zealand's unique version of the "Great Reset!"
"Hey, Klaus: move over - shove off mate, we are taking charge and doing it our way from here!"
If we do not act now to retake control, here is what Klaus has planned for us all:
I expect Cindy has a job waiting for her at the WEF (or UN) after she completes her given tasks down under. There has to be something motivating her to do all of this. Rushing laws through. No debates allowed. Dividing a country. Ignoring those suffering while riding on the back of her Chch mosque compassion fame. We need to devise better ways to change the NZ mindset, but some say that won't happen any time soon unless something major happens to them that they actually care about in the short term. Some say, buy Bitcoin and defund the govts and their inflationary fiats - they won't like that and can't easily stop it. Hang tight everyone. I believe h…
Hi Chalamad. I looked at the how to improve the wording and decided that deletion was the best remedy since it does not really add that much to the message, although I hope people still get the hint to look further into the sordid backgrounds of some of these people. Thanks for raising the matter.
Gary, your post appears homophobic. I solemnly agree with you on everything else. Hopefully, we can disagree amicably. There are plenty of gender-bending people of good moral character, unlike Klaus Schwab, so I won't throw the baby out with the bath water. If strutting in public wearing women's clothes was the extent of his courtship with behavior that is different than the norm, then I would consider us all to be very lucky. Sadly, his betrayal of humanity at the World Economic Forum is very disturbing. I hope you can find a way to rethink your position, embrace a more inclusive attitude towards our sexually distinct friends, neighbors, and relatives around the world. Imagine, if you will, being trapped in…
" It took me a long time before I was even remotely prepared to comprehend any of this, " is an absolute key sentence in your post Gary.
The fact that you are prepared to admit this speaks volumes about your courage, humility and integrity!
Too many people are still terrified of being tarred with that dreaded brush of being a " conspiracy theorist, " which is a deliberate tactic by those who are deceiving us. When we look at history there are endless examples of how these two very weaponized words " conspiracy " and "theory " have been used by controlled media to manipulate and hoodwink the masses.
The truth is actually there in plain sight!
If global…
You are so right - as usual - I have been following health and politics for over 20 years and knew this was coming but just not how they were going to pull it off - hello Corona/Covid. Question is how do we stop them specially when there are people in this country who have no idea what is really behind the smoke screen.
I said around May 2020 what I would do with all these "Players" and it would not have been pretty. People who looked sideways at me at my suggestions now don't.
Now we suddenly have young children getting covid - interesting timing given that children not only don't get covid - unless they are very sick…