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Natural Immunity is Superior and here's the Evidence!

Writer: Gary MollerGary Moller

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

Here is how we end this pandemic within three months!

(This essay, written by Gary Moller, shares insights from his more than fifty years as a healthcare professional. The purpose of this writing is not to diagnose any health conditions or make treatment suggestions, but rather to spark conversation about important health concerns).


(I wrote this article early last year, but updated it this morning because it remains relevant. A fresh wave of COVID is currently sweeping through New Zealand, infecting everyone, including those fully "vaccinated" by the harmful mRNA genetic bioweapon.)

Insanity Rules!

As they say, repeating the same old behaviour, in this case, recommending more bioweapon jabs, while expecting a positive outcome, is the definition of insanity. In saying this, it is increasingly obvious that some of the people pulling the pandemic strings have every intention of harming people, and are doing so by the millions.

COVID Fashion statement
The mRNA Jab - the New Fashion Statement!

Bioweapon Harm Enters a New Stage!

After the initial release of the bioweapon injection, I was far from alone in observing an alarming rise in atypical heart issues and strokes. Presently, we are entering a different stage where many New Zealanders who received the jab in good faith are still being diagnosed with heart disease and stroke, but there is now a disturbing increase in illnesses caused by immune system damage, such as rapid cancer growth, skin and eye infections, and mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and emotional instability. The population of New Zealand is so unhealthy that visits to hospital accident and emergency departments involve up to twelve hours of waiting before receiving treatment, and we are in mid-summer, so what is the upcoming winter going to be like?

More than ever, and with urgency, we must invest in improving the health of all New Zealanders.

Natural Immunity is our saviour!

A friend of mine, a respected leader in his health profession, arranged his private COVID antibody testing. Here it is:

COVID Antibody Test
COVID Serology Test of a Health Professional (personal details blanked out)

Points of note about his blood test:

  1. His high antibodies for SARS-COV-2 indicate he will have a rapid and decisive immune response if this virus reinfects him, and, in addition, he will respond quickly to any variants.

  2. He contracted covid around 26th February and had a positive Rat test on 28th Feb

  3. He had two Covid serology tests, showing positive antibodies: 25th May (@ four months) and 16th December (@ 8 + months). Done by Labtests, which your doctor can order for you on request. It usually costs $112, but for some reason, he got them for free

  4. Contrasting with natural immunity, the mRNA jab is lucky to give any immunity to variants, perhaps negatively, and any immunity to the original one is fleeting.

We All Need More Hugs!

Three weeks ago, I had a health consultation with a client. She was unwell with a respiratory infection, possibly COVID, but I asked her to come see me anyway. She tried to keep her distance, but I insisted on hugging her and did so more than once. I was ill several days later, but only for three days. I rested for one. On the third day, despite still being a little chesty, I rode 140 KM on my bike with one of my daughters.

Then several days ago, I dropped in at the farm of some friends while doing yet another massive bike ride. She had COVID and looked under the weather but still getting about, so I insisted on hugging her. I am still well.

Later, you will gather why I insisted on hugging these ill people.

Despite what the compromised clowns running about in the COVID vaccine circus might say about how safe and effective their wonder drug is, the fact is that they are wrong. They are maiming and killing people, and it is time they were called out.

Just in: our Government's health experts, who show an appaling misunderstanding of health, are ramping up the pressure on us to resume preventive measures that are ineffective while ignoring natural immunity:

"I think we should be having masks on public transport, and supermarkets and retail."

What do they have for us once they return to work after their extended summer holidays?

Politicians know the worst thing they can ever do is drop the baby while kissing it, and, in the case of the mRNA vaccine, they are figuratively dropping babies left, right, and centre, yet nobody is reporting this. Worse still, with the assistance of their medical advisors, they are figuratively beating up pregnant women!

Please take a few minutes to watch this video by Dr James Cintolo:

Pregnant women study
Click on Image to view article and video

And please take a few minutes to read this article, and then you will understand the background of what I am writing about:

Confidential documents reveal that within months of receiving the initial doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, some individuals are developing Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

Please take a few more minutes to watch the interview here to appreciate the huge mess that is being created regarding the damage to children's immune systems and the lives being lost:

mRNA Vaccine deaths in Canadian children
Click on image to view the interview

So, concerning mRNA-induced immunity, and in the context of this discussion, we have several things to take special note of:

  1. The immunity gained from the jab is very specific: in other words, immunity for one variant does not protect from another and may even make the person more vulnerable.

  2. Any immunity from the jab may be as fleeting as 2-3 months, hence the need for constant boosters, and there is growing evidence of a negative immunity effect. In contrast, I had my polio vaccine 65 years ago, which is probably still good to go.

  3. The spike protein from the jab is systemic and manufactured by a person's DNA for at least eight months. In contrast, natural infection with COVID is isolated to the respiratory tract (there is no circulating spike protein). The natural infection is over and done within about ten days for a healthy person.

  4. Circulating spike protein from mRNA drives excessive systemic inflammation, gradually weakening the immune system, thus allowing benign conditions to flare into what is called "wildfire" diseases: cancers, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and more are on the rise, and progressing at terrifying rates. Not to mention all the heart attack and stroke cases filling hospital wards.

Let's talk further about Natural Immunity

Here is what Johns Hopkins University has to say:

"A mild case of an illness may not result in strong natural immunity. New studies show that natural immunity to the coronavirus weakens (wanes) over time, and does so faster than immunity provided by COVID-19 vaccination."

These once prestigious medical institutions, our governments, their advisors, and Big Tech, including Google, are irrevocably compromised. What they say about COVID is usually far from the truth. Given how science has advanced, statements like the above are outright misinformation (aka lies) and should have been withdrawn many months ago.


Why has the Government not encouraged people to do antibody testing the same way they have enthusiastically promoted PCR and RATS tests?

You tell me! They have gone out of their way, with the assistance of Big Tech, to discredit this kind of test: Look at the Google answers to my search question: "are covid antibody tests accurate?":

"In week 2 after first symptoms, 64% to 79% of infections were detected, rising to 78% to 88% in week 3. Tests that specifically detected IgG or IgM antibodies were the most accurate and, when testing people from 21 days after first symptoms, they detected 93% of people with COVID-19."

So, why do I hug infected people?

I caught COVID in March 2022 and shook it off after a few days, thus leaving me with robust natural immunity. My immune system is like a muscle, which thrives on regular workouts. So long as the workouts are at the right level of effort for my given fitness level and spaced not too close and far, I will respond to each session of imposed stress by growing a little stronger each time I stress those muscles. The same idea applies to our immune systems, especially regarding being resistant to respiratory viruses, including the COVID family.

Suppose we behave like paranoid germophobes, which our health authorities are trying to make us into, living in constant fear (this damages the immune system), avoiding contact with infected people, wearing masks, and constantly sanitising our hands. This is akin to bedrest for our immune system: it grows weak and vulnerable. It may get to the point of being as good as inoperable.

Just think of what happened to the Polynesian people when European explorers first set foot on their islands: Diseases like influenza and measles wiped out entire island populations. This happened not because they were unhealthy people back then but because they had no previous immune exposure to these, and other introduced diseases.

Hugs are workouts for my immune system!

I work out my immune system, thus strengthening it against respiratory viruses when I expose myself to an infected person by hugging them. Hopefully, each time, I get exposed to another variant, thus increasing my immune versatility, better called "immune fitness". Yes, I might feel unwell for a day or two, but that is good: I am strengthening my immune system, and if a nasty killer version of the virus ever arises or escapes a gain-of-function lab, I am better prepared.

So, how do we end this pandemic?

Gaining population herd immunity via natural immunity is what I proposed almost three years ago, and this advice still stands the test of time and is backed by science.

Let's actively set out to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible. More naturally immune people in our communities mean fewer opportunities for the virus to spread and mutate.

Every unvaccinated healthy person who wishes to volunteer, must find an infected person and hug them. Stop vaccinating. Until we reach herd immunity, we protect our people at risk of complications, such as the infirm elderly.

Here is a summary of what I think we need to do now

  1. No more jabs; cancel orders for more vials of this genetic poison and send what remains in stock to the landfill or incinerate it.

  2. Close the mRNA factory in Timaru and forbid more research of this kind without first having a public debate about the science and ethics and reaching a consensus.

  3. Establish a dedicated agency within ACC to identify, treat, rehabilitate, and compensate the vaccine injured (For all of the vaccine injured and not just the people harmed by mRNA). We must give the injured vaccine the benefit of the doubt, so we do not double-victimise the wounded and their grieving families. This Mass Casualty Event will drag on for many years, so we must respond accordingly.

  4. Emergency training more health professionals, including nurses and doctors.

  5. Refurbish hospitals, and build and staff health clinics in every town.

  6. Re-establish permanent school dental services and education, so it is in every town or primary school (oral hygiene is foundational for good health).

  7. Get politicians and bureaucrats out of doctors' surgeries and allow doctor to do what they were trained to do: diagnose and treat their patients using the most appropriate therapies.

  8. Introduce a sugar tax.

  9. Take GST off locally grown fresh produce.

  10. Make the "Kiwi Pill" freely available, which contains nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin C, selenium, and zinc, designed to correct widespread nutrient deficiencies in the New Zealand population. Additionally, it is easy to convert sheep's wool lanolin into vitamin D: farmers will love this one!

  11. Run national "Let's Get Moving" and "Have a Go" campaigns to improve kiwis' health and fitness. For example, encourage sports clubs and gyms to have national open days where individuals and families can "Have a go!" We did these campaigns in the 1970s with great success.

  12. Establish a Commission of Inquiry with wide-ranging powers of investigation plus where crimes have been committed, the mandate to investigate and lay criminal charges.

Be healthy, be strong, and refuse to be intimidated!

Gary and Alofa


Rob Snep
Rob Snep
Jan 11, 2024

Hi Gary ,thanks for taking the time to write these posts ,fully confirms my opinions with my health and natural immunity .By some miracle I avoided the vaccine even though all around me ,friends and family were lining up for it .Lucikly before the vaccine rubbish came out I heard on ZB radio that normally vaccines will take years of testing and that covid only seriously inflicted the old and morbidly obese or those with existing serious health issues .That luckily made for my decision to abstain .Unfortunately my wife being a nurse was mandated to get it and she also advised my 3 kids to as well .Typically they all got sick as did I but my wife w…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Jan 22, 2024
Replying to

Rob, while we may have natural immunity to the version of COVID that we contracted, it does not give us 100% immunity to the next variant. We'll get it and have less intense symptoms than might have been the case. Yes, to no more jabbing. Have you read this?

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