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Move over Neil Young!

Writer's picture: Gary MollerGary Moller

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Out with the old and in with the old!

Neil Young
Neil Young, now in his late 70's. Source:

When I was a student, during the early to mid-70s in Dunedin, Neil Young was the rocker with the message, in the band Crosby, Nash Stills and Young, along with another balladeer, Bob Dylan. With their protest songs, these and other musicians led the revolutions of the late 60s and 70s. Throw in Carly Simon, CCR, Rod Stewart and Carol King, and we had music heaven, with messages, in our messy student flat! I loved Jefferson Airplane. I didn't get into Hot Chocolate, fronted by Erroll Brown.

Neil Young has gotten into a heated battle with Spotify in recent weeks. In a nutshell, this ageing folk-singer turned rocker is asking for the censorship of Joe Rogan for podcasting one or more interviews with experts who are revealing the science and the politics behind the global pandemic and the associated power-grab. You can read about it here:

It's funny, isn't it, how love and hate are like the two sides of a coin: there is no in-between. I used to love Neil Young's music but, as of this week, his music grates on me: it reminds me of a strangled cat wailing away under my bedroom at two o'clock in the morning!

As I am in awe of Neil Young's achievements, the downsides of his Rocker lifestyle are now showing. One of those downsides is fried brains. Give it a break, mate! What happened to you? If it is not dementia, then what else? How can an iconic rocker-protestor get it so wrong? Has he been brought off?

Too bad, it is time to move on: Out with the Old, in with the New, I say! Let's get into some alternative music to annoy Neil. Let's also stick it up those who suck up to the likes of him and what he now stands for, which is censorship, oppression and division.

Neil Young

Move over, Neil; here are some really Cool Cats: Hot Chocolate!

This song is for you and me: we are the winners (I love the guitar riff!):

Hey, toss the mask - you're beautiful (I love their fashion sense, by the way!):

This song, "No Doubt About It", is unique, brilliant and so relevant to what is happening today! There is no doubt about what you see going on before your eyes today is for real! But what are you doing about it?

When those responsible for ruining so many lives are brought to justice, this is their song to sing while rotting in jail:

Let the nasty and divisive stuff of the psychopaths and their sycophants that are flying at you brush over your head and not enter you. Let's get back into life, loving, laughing and hugging each other once again (Dig the rhythm and the clothes!):

Do not hesitate or delay; go hug someone now!

For better audio, here is Hot Chocolate on Spotify:

6 comentarios

29 ene 2022

During WW2 Allied Forces night air bombing raids attracted plenty of flak, and I read that many bombers were destroyed or crippled by German flak towers and anti-aircraft defense. Van Morrison's Latest Record Project Volume 1 ( 2021 ) has also attracted plenty of flak, and no doubt the ire of Neil Young as well. Christie D'Zurilla in the Los Angeles Times on May 7, 2021 wrote a hit-piece entitled " After Riling Fans With Anti-Lockdown Songs, Van Morrison Now Accused of Anti-Semitism. "

Your blog post has sent me wandering down memory lane Gary, especially when you mentioned you were a student in Dunedin in the early seventies. So was I, doing three years at TCol. Occasionally on hot…

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29 ene 2022
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Oh yes, beloved Bob Dylan, a hero of our times... 😍

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Kiwi Cam
Kiwi Cam
29 ene 2022
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28 ene 2022

Oh, GO GARY!! 🤣😂 Hahaha! Yea, and don't you just love their name - "Hot Chocolate" alright!..and it's always yummy with a dob of cream! Hahaha 😉😆

OH YES....Sigh!...We have the truth sorted now...So absolutely, let's get lovin' and huggin' our family and friends and spread the love all around the world! That's how we kill the bad stuff - lots of LOVE! 😍😍😍😍😍 Have a great weekend, everybody! 🤓

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28 ene 2022

I’ve always been a big fan of Neil Young. Some, however, lose their edge with the passing of time, like a hot, stale beer as opposed to a fine wine. It’s amazing how so many political dissidents, including some quite famous ones, get it wrong on this issue. I’m always willing to change my positions on a dime in light of new and compelling evidence, but censorship to any degree is just plain wrong. This is a no-brainer.

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
28 ene 2022
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In health, it is estimated that around 70% of today's health advice will later be shown to be fully or partially wrong. I am like you and prepared to admit I got it wrong. To not do so risks ending your life dumped on the wrong side of history.

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