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A heart-warming progress report

Writer: Gary MollerGary Moller

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

(Updated 24 August 2022)

Until the mRNA jab came along, the HPV vaccine for young girls was the most hazardous of all jabs to be currently administered to people of all ages.

This is an update of Brianna's story, and, gosh - what a remarkable and brave young woman she is! Please read on:

Brianna crocheting - she made the bunny
Brianna crocheting - she made the bunny

After being paralysed with profuse nerve damage by the HPV vaccine a few years ago, Brianna continues to make steady progress. It has been an incredibly tough journey for all involved: the stress on Brianna and her family has been intolerable and constant. It has not helped that she has been medically hung out to dry by them, inferring that her illness is due to an eating disorder and hysteria. Brianna suffered a terrible vaccine injury and should have received assistance from ACC, but without the cooperation of the medical profession, no assistance, including meaningful and beneficial assistance, was forthcoming. Thankfully, one of my clients has a small charitable trust which has provided financial assistance with her treatment and recovery.

Brianna has written a brief update which follows:

"I'm so much better than I was even three months ago - I can walk with my walker standing very straight, I'm not so breathless now when I do it. I don't have brain fog, tremors or a cough anymore, and I have gained over 10kg in weight. I'm enjoying school, although it's hard to make friends, as I'm still in a wheelchair. I spend most lunchtimes alone, but I'm so grateful to be in the school environment again, keeping up with my schoolwork, and being with my peers.

I can once again shower myself and do some cooking in the kitchen. I can manage so many more things on my own, and I love being independent once more!"

Brianna sketch of dog

Considering the severe damage to her nervous system, her recovery, though not completed, is truly remarkable. Watch the videos below, taken last year. The fact she is now drawing, crocheting and writing so beautifully these days, she is truly remarkable and an inspiration!


What follows is the article written last year.


Brianna beginning to take her first steps to recovery.

She continues to make progress using a walker.

An indication below of the nerve damage (This is not an eating disorder!).

Brianna wrote:

"The first day I had to miss school, I thought I had the flu. That night when I tried to get some dinner, I nearly passed out and my vision went black, and then I knew it was serious. After 5 weeks I went to the hospital and they said it would go away soon."

"Two months later, during my next stay in the hospital, they told me I have an eating disorder and implied that this is all in my head. It was the worst experience of my life; I became depressed because I know this isn't in my head. I no longer trust doctors."

"I feel sad all the time; I had so many plans for the summer and starting college, now I'm in a wheelchair and can hardly do anything myself anymore."

"I feel angry at what has happened to me and I don't know what to do."

"I cry alone in my room a lot."

"After 6 months I no longer see my friends, so I feel lonely and isolated."

"I hope this never happens to anyone else. "

An Update from her mother (2/06/21):

"On Wednesday 19th May Brianna was hungry for a few minutes in the morning when she woke up - this is the first time she has been hungry at all in the nearly 8 months of her illness, since receiving the HPV vaccine. Since then, she has been hungry briefly in the morning 7 more times, including the last 5 days in a row, which is a hugely positive step for us.

In the last two months, she has also had more strength for lifting herself in and out of her wheelchair and pushing herself around with her feet. She has started online tutoring twice a week and has managed to read a few books again - these small changes have all given her confidence and renewed hope that she will recover one day soon. Her colour is better and she seems happier in herself than she did at the beginning of the year."



As soon as this family raised the possibility of Brianna having suffered a vaccine injury, the doors closed. Despite several months now having passed, she has not yet been properly examined by a medical specialist or anyone else for that matter. She has seen two specialists, one privately at considerable cost, but they have been preoccupied with just one thing: Brianna's height and weight! During their second specialist appointment, her parents got a lecture on parenting skills, including recommending Brianna have time out on a farm!

Reading between the lines, it appears the mention of the "V" word set off an unfortunate course of events: Brianna has been labelled as suffering from hysteria and it is the fault of attention-seeking parents. She is the victim of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.


Fair enough, but is this the right label for this young woman who was once a bright and bubbly teenager, representing her school and province in sport and with the most loving parents? What does her history, signs, symptoms and testing indicate?

Read what I have written below and decide for yourself.



Again, we ask: "Who speaks for these people?"

Before October, this young woman was in excellent health and representing her school in sports. Following her 2nd HPV shot, late last year, her health rapidly deteriorated. She felt unwell and off her food. A cough developed which persists to this day. She is progressively slipping into paralysis and can now only walk assisted by her parents.

This is consuming her family, like Dantes Inferno. The stress, for them, is unbearable as they watch their precious child's decline and no real help is being offered medically, other than palliative stuff.

She spent some time in the hospital to investigate. I have not seen the diagnosis, but it appears she suffers "hysteria". She has a head problem, including anorexia. The advice given for her cough is to suppress it by sipping some water any time she feels the urge. This is a ridiculous diagnosis, and the advice for suppressing the cough is unhealthy. She is getting worse, not better, and her family's cries for help are being ignored.

Here is her hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), completed in March this year:

Hair tissue analysis


I'm not going into detail about what we are doing for her, but I am hopeful we will halt and eventually reverse what is going on.

The first thing to note is the elevated calcium, dropping to potassium, then copper elevated. This is consistent with a severe viral infection. This is consistent with her symptoms, including the cough. But there is more to note.

Excess copper inhibits zinc, selenium and vitamin C.

There is a hint of aluminium. Remember, what we see on HTMA is what is coming out of her body. This is a clue there could be more of this toxin deep in her body and presumably in her brain. Aluminium is a neurotoxin.

Her zinc is unusually low. If tissue stores are adequate, we would expect zinc to be raised in line with copper, or much higher. We would expect a similar elevation with selenium. In response to a viral infection, selenium and zinc mobilise from tissue stores. The same happens when a toxin like aluminium is present. If there is inadequate zinc and selenium, a virus will have a field day and toxic aluminium can inflame the brain. Her immune response will be weak. This is what her HTMA is telling us. Her cough is symptomatic of a viral infection and also a documented complication from HPV vaccination, as is the progressive nerve damage.

HPV vaccines contain viral material, allergens and aluminium. We poorly understand how these affect the countless thousands of biochemical processes in the body. They injected these into this young and healthy woman, assuming there will be a healthy immune response. We can assume, from her HTMA, her immune system was probably not in good shape at the time of the first and second vaccine shots.

Toxic levels of aluminium may bury deep within, including the brain, following HPV vaccination. We showed evidence of this in another case of horrific HPV vaccine harm:

We all have protective barriers against environmental aluminium. Injecting highly soluble nanoparticles of aluminium bypasses these barriers. We are poorly equipped to deal with this injected invasion of toxins. These may be tiny doses, but that's all we need; just a few parts per million, by injection, may cause harm.

When a child enters puberty, you could say that there is hormonal chaos. Rapid growth stresses the supply of nutrients, including zinc and selenium, in even the most well-nourished child. In most cases, today, diets are nutrient-poor and there is widespread vitamin D deficiency which regulates the immune system. It makes little sense to inject toxins during puberty. If we must, why don't we wait until the child is a young adult?

Let's teach safe sex first, invest in children's immune health, then vaccinate later if you really have to. The best defence against all infections is a strong immune system. Bolster screening services such as Pap Smear and introduce new screening technologies that are now available. Cervical; cancer is one of the most treatable cancers when detected early.


My first job was in the wards and rehabilitation department of Dunedin Hospital. This involved assisting the rehabilitation of many neurology patients. I later worked in a psychiatric hospital. That was from 1976, so I have many years of experience in health. In fact, the first patient assigned to me was a young woman paralysed following her travel vaccines. I think I can tell the difference between hysteria and a physical condition.

While vaccines, like antibiotics, are a wonderful technology, we must use them with great care. Despite the dogma that now cloaks vaccines, these are not completely safe medical procedures and are not completely effective either. Unfortunately, with vaccines, the desire is to vaccinate everyone in the target population, in this case, girls as young as 10 and now being extended to boys. For this to happen, there must be no "hesitation" by the target population, or in this case, their parents. If parents think there is even the slightest chance of their precious children being harmed by this procedure, the vaccine programme may stutter and not meet its objectives. So, there is this pervasive culture of complete denial that any kind of vaccine can cause harm.

There is bountiful evidence that there are serious concerns about HPV vaccines but these are being ignored. We are sacrificing young girls for the sake of the Greater Good. Example:

Conclusively, our study highlighted some important post-vaccination phenomena temporally linked to HPV immunization, which needs further epidemiological analysis and biological investigations in order to establish or exclude a causal relation.

The exact incidence of these post-vaccination syndromes in the general population has not been known yet and a definite cause/effect link between HPV vaccine-related immune activation and symptoms onset has to be established. However, the studies on fibromyalgia, chronic pain with dysautonomia and CFS considered that a previous subclinical and spontaneous reaction to viral agents could be often involved in the start of pain and functional impairment. Therefore, a link between HPV vaccination and some neuromuscular and systemic impairment might be possible, considering also the immunization properties displayed by HPV vaccines, according to several studies [61].

Moreover, the HPV vaccine formula, containing also high polysorbate 80 (50 mcg) concentration, might also induce a greater meningeal permeability leading to a facilitated entrance of many substances to the central nervous system. Based upon these observations, it might be speculated that this vaccine—and not others—could induce some abnormal activation of immune competent cells in the central nervous system, such as the glia [62, 63].

Finally, we believe that our commitment should be planning epidemiological and genetic investigations in order to clarify the existence and pathophysiology of HPV-related syndromes. Hopefully, this approach might lead to a screen test for this risk and, eventually, to prevent it: indeed, these syndromes are currently an orphan drug area, as all the experimented therapies have not shown any significant beneficial effect. Last but not least, a proper treatment for these somatoform syndromes is urgently needed, as the current painkilling drugs, including opiates, resulted to be ineffective, or paradoxically, pain enhancers.

If parents raise the possibility, if they even utter the "V" word, to the medical specialist, the meeting may be over. Their community, even their own families, may ridicule and ostracise them. This is unacceptable for a civil society.

"safe and effective," "safe and effective," "safe and effective," "safe and effective," "yeah-right!" “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” so said Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels

Seldom is a vaccine injury even identified, let alone reported onto an official database? When a family reports a vaccine injury, there is no acknowledgement of receipt and no investigation; it just disappears into a black hole. But I continue to encourage families to report these injuries. Perhaps, one day, someone will listen and investigate.

If you, or a loved one, have suffered or suspects a vaccine or other medical injury, you can now report these yourself. Please report it. While it may not help you, it might help others later.


How to report an adverse reaction or problem with a medicine or medical procedure

Less than 10% of all adverse medical events get reported. Some cynics think it is nearer 1% than 10%. I tend to be in the 1% camp. In my job, I see cases of medication side effects or surgical procedures that have been less than perfect, most are subtle, some horrific. Seldom are these reported.

If we are to better understand the safety and efficacy of a medication or procedure, it is essential that all events are reported, no matter how mild or loosely associated they may be. There is often a delay, sometimes years, between the commencement of the medication or the procedure and the onset of symptoms, meaning proof of the association may be weak. Do not let this stop you from reporting what may be suspected. The more people file reports, the better researchers at the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) can build safety profiles for the benefit of all.

Anyone living in New Zealand who thinks they may have experienced an adverse reaction due to medicine can report this to CARM. You do not need to be a healthcare professional to report an adverse event.

Whether you are a medical practitioner or a patient, you can now quickly and easily file an online report:

Important: If you are experiencing, or think you may be experiencing an adverse event, please seek advice from your healthcare professional as soon as possible.


These matters are even more relevant today:

12 comentários

Megan Ward
Megan Ward
19 de set. de 2022

HPV no.2 was the only vaccine I ever refused before the modern era. It started as a trivial accident that I missed it at school, but despite being not really in touch with my intuition at the age of 20 when it came up in an unrelated appointment, I was just not keen to take that one...

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
19 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

Good decision, Megan! These young women are the tip of the iceberg and now well and truly forgotten now that the mRNA jab is here hogging all the attention!


26 de abr. de 2021

"His new website looks swish."

Well, mine doesn't...

Thanks for your great work, Gary!

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
29 de abr. de 2021
Respondendo a

Ulf, it may not be as swish as Rushworth's, but your content is fabulous.


Gary Moller
Gary Moller
26 de abr. de 2021

Ulf, it looks like Dr Rushworth has found his passion. His new website looks swish.

I am sure I caught COVID while at a medical conference March last year and am hanging out for an antibody test for myself and my partner, but it seems the Govt downright refuses to introduce what many think is a most useful test.

Rushworth comments:

"it seems completely unnecessary for people who have had covid to get the vaccine. In fact, if the goal of governments is to get their populations to herd immunity as quickly as possible, it would make more sense to tell people who have had confirmed covid-19 that they don’t need to get vaccinated. Vaccinating people who have already had…


26 de abr. de 2021

In a new article the highly productive Sebastian Rushworth (one wonders how he can do that, given he is emergency doctor in a hospital at the same time...) compares natural immunity to vaccine immunity.

"That being said, a 92% or 93% risk reduction is a huge reduction, not far off the difference in lung cancer rates seen between smokers and non-smokers, so even with unknown confounders pushing the results up or down, it is clear that prior infection provides a high degree of immunity."

Your body remains your friend...


26 de abr. de 2021

Dr Sam Bailey conducted a video interview with Köhnlein.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
26 de abr. de 2021
Respondendo a

Thank you!

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