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  • Writer's pictureGary Moller

Floracor-GI: Detailed Treatment Guidelines

Updated: 7 days ago

(This guide is for specific clients, to help guide them on how to safely navigate the benefits and perils of prescription steroids)

1. Understanding Floracor-GI

Floracor-GI is a special food supplement made to help your digestive system stay healthy. It does this by balancing the bacteria in your gut and helping your body clean itself naturally. It combines systemic and digestive enzymes, probiotics, and other natural ingredients to address issues such as yeast overgrowth, suboptimal digestion, and to enhance overall gut health.

Key Ingredients and Their Functions

  • Systemic and Digestive Enzymes:

    • Protease: Enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids, aiding in protein digestion, reducing inflammation, and supporting tissue repair.

    • Amylase: Assists in the digestion of carbohydrates by breaking down starches into sugars, facilitating energy production.

    • Lipase: Facilitates the digestion of dietary fats by breaking down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

    • Cellulase: Helps break down cellulose from plant fibres, improving fibre digestion and nutrient absorption.

    • Chitosanase: Specifically targets chitin, a component of the cell walls of Candida yeast, aiding in yeast cleansing by breaking down the protective barrier of yeast cells.

  • Probiotic Strain:

    • Bacillus coagulans (formerly known as Lactobacillus sporogenes):

      • A robust, spore-forming probiotic that survives the acidic environment of the stomach to colonise the intestines effectively.

      • Supports a healthy balance of gut bacteria, enhancing immune function, reducing inflammation, and improving digestion and nutrient absorption.

  • Other Beneficial Components:

    • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS): Prebiotic fibres that serve as nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria, promoting their growth and activity.

    • Herbal Extracts:

      • Humic Acid: Known for its detoxifying properties, it may bind to toxins and heavy metals in the gut, facilitating their elimination.

      • Beta-Glucans: Polysaccharides that can modulate the immune system, enhancing its ability to respond to pathogens.

2. Detailed Dosage Instructions

Standard Adult Dosage

  • Initial Loading Phase (First 2 Weeks):

    • Purpose: To initiate the balancing of gut flora and begin the detoxification process.

    • Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily (4 capsules per day).

    • Timing: Consume on an empty stomach, ideally, at least 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals to maximise enzyme activity without interference from food. If you wake in the middle of the night, that is a good time to take a couple of capsules with a glass of water.

  • Maintenance Phase:

    • Purpose: To sustain digestive health and maintain a balanced gut microbiome.

    • Dosage: Reduce to 1-2 capsules daily, depending on individual needs and response.

    • Timing: Continue to take on an empty stomach for optimal absorption and efficacy.

For Specific Health Objectives

  • Addressing Yeast Overgrowth (e.g., Candida Albicans):

    • Dosage: Under professional supervision, the dosage may be increased to 2 capsules three times daily (total of 6 capsules per day).

    • Duration: Typically recommended for 4-6 weeks, followed by reassessment of symptoms and possibly laboratory testing to evaluate yeast levels.

  • Enhanced Digestive Support During Meals:

    • Dosage: Take 1 capsule with each meal to support digestion, particularly if consuming heavy or hard-to-digest foods.

Administration Tips

  • Hydration: Swallow capsules with a full glass of water (approximately 250 ml) to aid in enzyme activation and facilitate transit to the intestines.

  • Consistency: Adhere strictly to the dosing schedule every day to achieve the best possible outcomes.

  • Adjustment of Dosage: Dosage may be adjusted based on individual tolerance, response, and advice from a healthcare professional.

3. Duration of Use

  • Short-Term Use:

    • Situations: Post-antibiotic therapy to restore gut flora, targeted yeast cleansing, or addressing acute digestive disturbances.

    • Duration: Generally ranges from 4-8 weeks, with continuous monitoring of symptoms.

  • Long-Term Use:

    • Situations: For chronic digestive issues, ongoing support of gut health, or as part of a holistic wellness programme.

    • Considerations: Periodic evaluations are recommended to assess the necessity of continued use, and whether dosage adjustments are required.

  • Monitoring Progress:

    • Keep track of symptoms, digestive function, and overall well-being.

    • Regular consultations with a healthcare provider to discuss progress and any necessary changes to the regimen.

4. Precautions and Contraindications

Medical Conditions

  • Gastrointestinal Disorders:

    • Individuals with conditions such as ulcers, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should use caution.

    • Recommendation: Consult a gastroenterologist or healthcare provider before initiating use.

  • Immune System Concerns:

    • Those with autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) or compromised immune systems (e.g., HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy patients) should seek professional advice due to potential immune-modulating effects.

Allergies and Sensitivities

  • Fungal Allergies:

    • The product contains enzymes derived from fungal sources (e.g., Aspergillus species). Individuals with known sensitivities should exercise caution.

  • Shellfish Allergies:

    • While chitosanase is typically derived from non-shellfish sources, individuals with shellfish allergies should verify the source with the manufacturer to avoid potential reactions.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

  • Safety Profile:

    • There is limited research on the safety of Floracor-GI during pregnancy or lactation.

    • Recommendation: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid use unless under direct supervision of a healthcare professional who has evaluated the benefits versus potential risks.

Paediatric Use

  • Children and Adolescents:

    • The safety and efficacy of Floracor-GI has not been established in individuals under 18 years of age.

    • Recommendation: Do not administer to children unless advised by a paediatrician or qualified healthcare provider.

5. Potential Side Effects

Common Side Effects

  • Digestive Changes:

    • Mild gastrointestinal discomfort such as gas, bloating, or changes in bowel movements may occur as the gut microbiome adjusts.

    • Management: These symptoms often subside within a few days. If they persist, consider reducing the dosage and consult a healthcare provider.

  • Detoxification Symptoms (Herxheimer Reaction):

    • As yeast and harmful bacteria are eliminated, toxins are released, which may cause temporary symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, or flu-like symptoms.

    • Management: Increase water intake to help flush out toxins, get adequate rest, and consider reducing the dosage temporarily.

Serious Reactions

  • Allergic Responses:

    • Signs include rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, dizziness, and difficulty breathing.

    • Action: Discontinue use immediately and seek emergency medical attention.

  • Gastrointestinal Distress:

    • Severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, or diarrhoea.

    • Action: Stop taking the supplement and consult a healthcare provider promptly.

6. Drug and Supplement Interactions


  • Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners):

    • Enzymes in Floracor-GI may affect blood clotting mechanisms.

    • Medications Affected: Warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, aspirin, and other antiplatelet drugs.

    • Recommendation: Consult your doctor before use if you are on blood-thinning medications.

  • Antibiotics:

    • Antibiotics may diminish probiotics.

    • Timing: Take Floracor-GI at least 2 hours apart from antibiotic doses to maximise probiotic survival.

  • Immunosuppressants:

    • Potential interactions with medications that suppress the immune system (e.g., corticosteroids, biologics).

    • Recommendation: Use only under medical supervision.

Other Supplements

  • Digestive Aids:

    • Combining with other enzyme or probiotic supplements may enhance effects but could also increase the risk of side effects.

    • Recommendation: Coordinate with a healthcare provider to avoid excessive dosing.

  • Herbal Supplements:

    • Be cautious when combining with herbs that have digestive or immune effects (e.g., echinacea, garlic).


  • Professional Consultation:

    • Before starting Floracor-GI, provide your healthcare provider with a full list of medications and supplements you are taking to assess potential interactions.

7. Lifestyle and Dietary Recommendations

Dietary Adjustments

  • Reduce Intake of:

    • Sugars and Refined Carbohydrates:

      • Limit foods that can promote the growth of harmful yeast and bacteria, such as sweets, white bread, pastries, and sugary beverages.

    • Processed Foods:

      • Avoid foods with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that may disrupt gut health.

    • Alcohol and Caffeine:

      • Minimise consumption, as they can irritate the digestive tract and affect gut flora balance.

  • Increase Intake of:

    • Fibre-Rich Foods:

      • Whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables to support digestion and provide prebiotic fibres.

    • Fermented Foods:

      • Foods like yoghurt with live cultures, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso can enhance probiotic benefits and support a diverse microbiome.

    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

      • Include sources like oily fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, and walnuts to reduce inflammation and support gut health.


  • Adequate Water Intake:

    • Aim for at least 8-10 glasses (approximately 2 litres) of water daily to aid digestion, facilitate detoxification, and prevent constipation.

Lifestyle Habits

  • Regular Physical Activity:

    • Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, as recommended by NHS guidelines.

    • Exercise enhances gastrointestinal motility and supports immune function.

  • Stress Management:

    • Chronic stress can negatively impact gut health.

    • Techniques: Practise mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep-breathing exercises, or other relaxation methods.

  • Sleep Hygiene:

    • Ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

    • Good sleep supports the immune system and allows the body to repair and regenerate.

8. Storage and Handling

Optimal Storage Conditions

  • Temperature:

    • Store at room temperature between 15°C and 25°C (59°F and 77°F).

    • Avoid exposure to excessive heat, humidity, or freezing temperatures.

  • Environment:

    • Keep in a cool, dry place, such as a cupboard or pantry, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

  • Packaging:

    • Ensure the bottle is tightly sealed after each use to prevent moisture ingress.

Shelf Life

  • Expiration Date:

    • Check the label for the expiration date and do not use the product beyond this date to ensure potency and safety.

  • Potency Preservation:

    • Proper storage is essential to maintain the effectiveness of the enzymes and probiotics.

9. Monitoring and Follow-Up

Symptom Tracking

  • Maintain a Health Diary:

    • Document daily symptoms, dietary intake, bowel habits, energy levels, mood, and any side effects experienced.

  • Regular Assessments:

    • Schedule periodic follow-ups with your healthcare provider to discuss progress, review the health diary, and make any necessary adjustments to your regimen.

Laboratory Tests

  • Gut Microbiome Analysis:

    • Comprehensive stool analysis can provide insights into bacterial and yeast populations, digestive function, and inflammation markers.

  • Nutritional Status:

    • Blood tests to assess levels of vitamins (e.g., B12, D), minerals (e.g., iron, magnesium), and other essential nutrients to ensure optimal absorption.

  • Allergy Testing:

    • If experiencing unexplained symptoms, allergy or sensitivity testing may help identify triggers.

10. Additional Considerations

Quality Assurance

  • Product Verification:

    • Purchase Floracor-GI from reputable sources, such as licensed pharmacies, official distributors, or directly from the manufacturer, to ensure authenticity.

  • Third-Party Testing:

    • Verify whether the product has been independently tested by third-party organisations for potency, purity, and absence of contaminants.

  • Certification:

    • Look for certifications such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance, which indicates adherence to quality standards.

Education and Support

  • Stay Informed:

    • Keep abreast of the latest research on probiotics, enzymes, and gastrointestinal health through reputable sources like medical journals or NHS resources.

  • Support Networks:

    • Consider joining support groups or forums focused on digestive health, where experiences and strategies can be shared.

Combining Therapies

  • Holistic Approach:

    • Incorporate complementary therapies such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, or massage therapy under professional guidance.

  • Professional Guidance:

    • Work with nutritionists, dietitians, or naturopathic practitioners specialising in gastrointestinal health for personalised dietary and lifestyle plans.

Environmental Factors

  • Exposure to Toxins:

    • Minimise exposure to environmental toxins (e.g., pollutants, chemicals) that can affect gut health by using natural cleaning products and avoiding unnecessary medications.

  • Antibiotic Stewardship:

    • Use antibiotics only when prescribed and necessary, as overuse can disrupt gut flora.

11. Addressing Specific Health Conditions

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Potential Benefits:

    • Floracor-GI may help alleviate symptoms such as bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements by improving digestion and balancing gut flora.

  • Caution:

    • Start with a low dosage and increase gradually to assess tolerance.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

  • Role of Enzymes and Probiotics:

    • Enzymes aid in complete digestion, reducing the presence of partially digested food particles that can contribute to intestinal permeability.

    • Probiotics support the integrity of the gut lining.

Autoimmune Conditions

  • Immune Modulation:

    • Probiotics and certain enzymes may influence immune responses.

    • Recommendation: Use under the guidance of a healthcare provider familiar with your specific condition.

12. FAQs About Floracor-GI

  • Can I take Floracor-GI with other supplements?

    • Answer: Generally, yes, but it's important to avoid duplicating ingredients and to consider potential interactions. Consult a healthcare provider for personalised advice.

  • How long does it take to notice benefits?

    • Answer: Some individuals may notice improvements within a few days, while others may require several weeks of consistent use.

  • Is Floracor-GI vegan or vegetarian-friendly?

    • Answer: Verify with the manufacturer, as some enzymes may be derived from animal sources.

  • What if I miss a dose?

    • Answer: Take the missed dose as soon as you remember unless it is nearly time for your next scheduled dose. Do not double up doses.

Important Notes and Disclaimers

  • Individual Variability: Responses to supplements can vary greatly among individuals due to genetics, existing health conditions, lifestyle, and other factors.

  • Not a Substitute for Medical Treatment: Floracor-GI is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Professional advice: Always ask a doctor for personalised suggestions, especially if you have health problems or are taking other medicines.

  • Adverse Reactions: If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.


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