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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Evidence of the Shocking Impact of COVID mRNA Shots on Health and Vitality!

A Confronting Message to Health Professionals

What follows is an unrelenting reality check — a reckoning of the gravest kind. With their permission, I am sharing videos that lay bare the suffering endured by hundreds of thousands of well-meaning Kiwis who placed their trust in the COVID mRNA vaccine. These images and testimonies are not just evidence — they are a damning indictment of a health system that has failed its people.

There is no one as blind as those who choose not to see!

To set the scene, let us start by viewing Danielle, a COVID mRNA vaccine-injured person. In this video, this brave and determined young woman attempts to hold a bottle of water out front with a straight arm for one minute.

Danielle tells her story later in this report.

Health Professionals — It is Time to Do the Right Thing!

This report is directed squarely at doctors, specialists, nurses, paramedics, and other health professionals. The charade must end, and it must end now. It is time to confront the truth, however uncomfortable. It is time to admit the catastrophic failures. It is time to own up, to speak out, and to apologise. It is time to say, "We got it wrong," and to do everything humanly possible to make things right. Our leaders must also step forward, abandon obfuscation, and declare this for what it is — a national emergency. The harm inflicted is undeniable, and the response must match the scale of the crisis.

Please Stop Gas-Lighting Your Patients!

The gaslighting and stonewalling of victims must stop immediately. Blaming victims, dismissing their suffering, and telling them they are "imagining things" or need psychiatric help is an unconscionable betrayal. We must open the doors of our medical and support systems, including ACC and Income Support, to those who have been harmed. It is our moral and professional duty to acknowledge their pain and take decisive action to support them.

To every health professional: Watch these videos. If you can look at this evidence and still claim "there is nothing to see here", then it is you — not your patients — who needs to seek psychiatric treatment. Your wilful blindness is part of the problem, and the time for excuses is over.

The tide is turning. Across the ditch in Brisbane, a great victory has been had in the courts, and it has positive implications for New Zealand. Doctors can finally speak out without fear of professional retribution. The dam of lies is breaking. Health professionals are freer than ever to stand up and speak the truth.

More doctors must find the strength to speak out, especially at a time when many have been silenced. Dr. Bay's actions demonstrate the vital role of freedom of speech in upholding truth and integrity. His self-representation and eventual win against bureaucratic and ministerial failures challenged state governments in Australia — and by extension, New Zealand — to work openly and fairly.

Health Professionals — It is Time to Find Your Courage!

My message to you — my fellow health professionals — is this: It is time for you to find your courage, to step forward, and to fulfil your oath to "do no harm."

This nonsense must end. It is time to return to the foundational principles of medicine, which include — truth, compassion, and integrity — and to rebuild the trust that has been so grievously shattered.

Be brave. Do the right thing. The time is now.


The research evidence of harm is overwhelming, but what follows is the human evidence:

Danelle's story was recorded during the Safe and Effective Roadshow.

Barry Duffield's story follows

Here is Marilyn's story from my presentation to the Safe and Effective Roadshow:

Marilyn is my youngest son's GF. She has been rushed to the hospital many times, suffering from heart problems. A few months ago, he thought she was dead. The doctor says she is suffering from vaccine anxiety and needs to see a psychiatrist. For me, this is too close to home.

The Safe and Effective Roadshow

What follows are some of the slides from my presentation for the Safe and Effective Roadshow.

You can purchase all of the Roadshow's recordings here for only $60. The Roadshow was a non-profit event in which all of the participants donated their time. Please show your support for the organisers by buying the videos, as they personally financed this roadshow at a significant expense.

Houston, we have a problem!

According to Accident Theory, hundreds of thousands of Kiwis have undoubtedly been harmed. Most do not know it, and things are only getting worse.

As the years pass by, people's immune systems are tiring, and previously dormant health issues, including heart, cancer, and neurological disorders are bursting into overwhelming wildfires.

A Call to Action!

Fellow health professionals, it is time to do the right thing. It is time to act. What you are being asked to do is really quite simple:

  • Impose a personal and clinical practice moratorium on all mRNA-based vaccines until a proper and independent risk-benefit analysis has cleared this novel technology to be safe and effective for human, animal, and plant applications.

  • Admit that you were wrongly led by incomplete and bad evidence. You foolishly allowed fear and coercion to override your better professional judgement, and for this you sincerely apologise to your patients.

  • Acknowledge the harm that was done in the name of medicine.

  • As a medical professional, you recommit to upholding the Hippocratic Oath. You pledge to utilise your skills and expertise to the fullest extent possible for the betterment of your patients and community.

  • You promise, never again, to allow fear and coercion to cloud your better judgement.

We All Make Mistakes

It is the putting right that counts.

Kiwis are forgiving people. We all made mistakes during the fervour, fear, coercion, misinformation, and anti-science that defined the COVIID years.

As LV Martin so famously said: "It is the putting right that counts". With such actions, all will be forgiven.


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