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COVID19: has Sweden Screwed up?

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

I quote from an article that appeared in the NZ Herald 22nd October:

"Coronavirus cases have exploded in Sweden as authorities try to keep hold of twin battles – containing the virus and controlling the narrative."

"The breakaway Nordic nation divided experts by refusing to lock down its citizens when the virus swept through the country this year."

"But a devastating second wave has forced a dramatic rethink, as infections threaten to derail any gains that were achieved by taking a now notoriously relaxed approach to the pandemic."

We are getting conflicting messages out of Sweden, such that people are being left in a state of confusion. What is the truth? Or it might be better to ask: "Where does the weight of evidence appear to be pointing?"

Please refer to the chart below:

All deaths in Sweden per 100,000 1860-Sept 2020
All deaths in Sweden per 100,000 1860-Sept 2020

"In the midst of the tragic and serious global corona pandemic, the deaths per capita in September 2020 were the lowest ever in Swedish history. Never before have so few died in Sweden in a single month so far back there are statistics, regardless of the month of the year."

On 24th October Dr Sebastian Rushworth MD, working in Stockholm, wrote a must-read article examining just how deadly is COVID19. I quote from this article:

"From January to September 2020, Sweden experienced 675 deaths per 100,000 population. That is less than both 2017 and 2018. In fact, 2020 is so far the third least deadly year in Swedish history."

To continue quoting Dr Rushworth:

"What is my point? If you are old and frail, and have underlying health conditions, then even that most harmless of all infections, the so called common cold, can be deadly. In fact, it often is. Covid-19 is not a unique disease and does not appear to have a noticeably higher mortality rate than the so called common cold."

I corresponded with Dr Rushworth yesterday and today about this apparently "devastating" 2nd wave in Sweden. I'll take his word over that of a newspaper reporter, since he is a doctor working on the frontline in Sweden.

My conclusions from the current weight of evidence are three key points:

  1. Sweden is apparently doing well, although it is still too early to be talking in absolutes about their success.

  2. Many experts and media are keen, bordering on desperation, to discredit Sweden, or else to ignore it when discussing the impact and responses to COVID19.

  3. Sweden's experience teaches us we must redouble our efforts to protect the elderly and the frail from all infections and not just COVID19.

What might this protection comprise?

  1. Healthy individuals voluntarily exposing themselves to viruses such as influenza and COVID19, to build up herd immunity.

  2. When a vaccine is available and proven safe, encourage the voluntary vaccination of the immune-vulnerable and anyone else who wants the protection it offers.

  3. Protective measures including voluntary quarantining of the vulnerable during an infectious outbreak and the administration of prophylactic medicines.

  4. Addressing all measures of poverty within NZ, including housing, household income and food quality. Improved access to community-based medical services.

  5. Improving the nutritional status of the entire population so that there is greater immune robustness. Measure may include a sugar tax and removing taxes on fresh fruit and vegetables.

You may note that I use the word "voluntary" with medical procedures, including vaccination. In a free society, the right to refuse a medical procedure, including medication, is a fundamental human right, no matter the circumstances.

For more information about COVID19, including my escape plan for New Zealand:

8 комментариев

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
25 окт. 2020 г.

The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) was first isolated around 1908 I recall. It now infects over 90% of the population but appears to be more virulent now. It may be because of widespread malnutrition especially within youngsters today. Vitamin D deficiency for example. Zinc deficiency etc.


Philip Hayward
25 окт. 2020 г.

Fascinating about glandular fever, why don't we all know about this? What might be the cause, seeing there must have been an interruption in transmission of all infectious pathogens in the last few months? Some of us have been asking whether immune systems might fall into partial atrophy as a result, leaving people especially vulnerable to a large number of common illnesses as life starts to return to normal.

By the way, for the first time in my life, a young person I knew, recently took their own life. Those are statistics that are kept suppressed for legitimate reasons, but what if there are fluctuations that have implications for novel contemporary policy courses? We definitely should know this.


Philip Hayward
25 окт. 2020 г.

Gary, I am sure you would also be interested in what Dr Mike Yeadon in Britain, is saying.

Dr Yeadon is saying that the alarmist establishment is clearly not interested in discussion and considering evidence based analyses from anyone. They have gone beyond the possibility that they are merely acting incompetently, to perpetuating what they themselves have to know to be blatant lies. He names Sir Patrick Vallance (Britain's Ashley Bloomfield) as a liar, and says "so sue me for libel".

I did not know before I read and listened to him, that it is not just the "discoveries" of science about Covid-19 since the first ignorant phase of panic, that are being suppressed, but it is basic…


Gary Moller
Gary Moller
25 окт. 2020 г.


If we were really concerned about viruses and their impact on NZ look no further than EBV and the disease it causes; Glandular Fever. It is currently at epidemic levels infecting mostly teenage boys and girls. For a number of those infected the consequence of which there are many last for years and for some it is lifelong. Why is this being ignored? Why is there not a lockdown?


Philip Hayward
25 окт. 2020 г.

4richardprinciple is making the same error of focus that Dr Sebastian Rushworth points out in the article linked by Gary. Why should nations be in a state of hysteria over the statistics for one particular virus, when:

"...From January to September 2020, Sweden experienced 675 deaths per 100,000 population. That is less than both 2017 and 2018. In fact, 2020 is so far the third least deadly year in Swedish history.

How can this be explained, when we know that 6,000 Swedes have died of covid?

As I see it, there are two possible explanations. The first is that most people who died “of” covid actually died with covid. In other words, they had a positive covid test and were…

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