A few years ago, the Director and Producer of this movie, Alistair Harding, came to Wellington to film and interview with me. My job within the Rowing Home expedition team continues to be to keep Grant and Charlie (at the time) fit, healthy and well-nourished. My five minutes of fame were soon to be realised! But it was not to be. Alistair, in the politest way he could, informed me that my contribution ended up on the floor of the Cutting Room. Don't worry, Alastair, I have not taken it personally. Alofa and I are still attending the film's premiere in Wellington and we will do so with great pride and excitement. It has been an absolute honour to be involved in this daring expedition.
Hey, everyone: come and join us for the premiere of this great Kiwi adventure! (Dates and ticket details below).
"In the beginning it was one of life's grandest adventures. But by the end it would become a desperate bid to do what only two others in history had ever done.
In January 2017, human-powered adventurer Grant Rawlinson began a journey by row boat and bicycle that he planned would take him 12,000km from Singapore to New Zealand.
It was a journey never before attempted and included a world-first attempt at rowing from Singapore to Australia with expedition partner Charlie Smith; a cycle across the Australian continent; and then an attempt to become only the third solo adventurer in history to row across the notoriously dangerous Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand."
The dates and times are:
SkyCity Theatre, Auckland – 6 June 7.15pm – WORLD PREMIERE!!
The Roxy, Wellington – 20 June 6.30pm
And if you can't make either of those the online festival will be on from 21 June until 11 July when you can catch a viewing of the film on your own screen!
Get on the Doc Edge website here – https://docedge.nz/de/films/the-sea-decides/ and book your tickets – It's the best $20 you'll ever spend!