I received this message from Ulf Martin who runs this website which has information about the Pandemic: https://weltexperiment.com/.
Ulf is one of my "eyes and ears" scattered around the world. He helps us cut through the misinformation that is being lathered upon us by the Spin Doctors.
Today, Ulf wrote:
"In Poland there is also no covid anymore. The same is reported from Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and pretty much the entire Balkan w/exception of Greece. Germany is mixed, half of the people in psychosis half not. Best Ulf."
Whether or not this is exactly as said above will be seen, but it is encouraging to see some people are able, apparently, to return more or less to normal, without an upsurge in deaths ("cases" are not really the issue).
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, the land of many sheep...
To better understand what is going on, read my article here:
We were watching the UCI Mountain Bike world champs in Italy last night. There were crowds and barely a mask in sight.
New Zealand and Australia have been left behind. We are in trouble unless we change our strategy.
Hi, I collected the information not only Daily skeptics but also personal experience reported on channels. ”Pandemic over” refers to the attitude of people: They mostly do not wear masks anymore or care about the numbers. - Ulf
mmm. . . Poland's daily stats for 25/8 are New cases: 233, 7 day average 198. Google poland covid. Didn't bother checking any more.